One of my purchases this summer was the commonly talked about, Soleil Tan De Chanel (aka Bronze Universal). I'm naturally tan and when I'm out in the sun tanning isn't an impossible goal for me. I did want a bronzer because even though I'm tan, I always have a pale a finish to my makeup or even without it on. I bought this because I had heard good reviews on it and I've always had a good experience with Chanel. There are friends who have had allergic reactions to high-end brand names, so just because its Chanel does it mean its for you. It just depends on the formula and the ingredients that they use. Anyway, that's besides the point. This bronzer is really nice and creamy. The name says "universal" because it is meant to be for all skin colors. I think its hard to show on darker skin colors and you might have to apply more. I'm in the mid-toned color spectrum so this shows up nicely, but I also have to put maybe a little more than someone who is more on the ivory side. If you are a little wary or on the fence about bronzers you can always ask for a sample or for the lady at the counter to try it on you.
I really like this product because it really gives you a controllable advantage than what I've seen with powders. It shows up great and has a really nice texture. The packaging isn't the most extravagant. The lady at the counter told me it was good for a lot of uses. She told me you could use it as a concealer and a self temporary tanner (I'm assuming for the night because there is no way that this would last through a shower). I can tell you that it might work as a concealer but only for the right skin colors. I tried this and I looked dumb. It wasn't flattering or anything, it was just OMG! I wouldn't go out like this. I did try it on my shoulders where I had a bit of a tan line and it was really pretty. I'm assuming you can also use it to accentuate your breast, if you are into that, but I'm going to be honest here and say that I didn't try it. The kind of brush that you want to use for this is a synthetic brush. You can use something either fluffy that will give you a more free hand, or something small that will give you more of a precise and shaper look.

I really like this product. Its smooth and creamy. It looks nice on the skin. It isn't super orange or brown. Its hard to explain but its really pretty. Also if you pair this with a nice peachy or pinky toned blush, you look like you just came from the beach. Actually it gives you that somewhat sunburnt, but in a good way, look. I don't know how to explain it, so that's the best I could do.
One downer for this product is that it can get a lot of little lint particles in it. I'm not particularly concerned that I'll break out from lint, but it doesn't give it the best or cleanest look when you open it up. Another downer it's pricey, so I would say it's more of a treat or a collectors item than it is a necessity. You can definitely get away with not buying it, but if you just want it and you have the budget then you can certainly splurge on this.